If you have an online store, these 5 keys to take your business to the next level are interesting to you. Implement the trends that best fit your planning and goals in your sales strategy and see how these actions can boost your company's growth.
2022: a challenge for eCommerce
At this point, the goal of having a digital presence is a long way away. . With so much competition in the online world, the real challenge for eCommerce is to stand out and keep the user experience up to date. With so much online business, it is necessary to apply the latest trends to stand out and stay afloat.
Whatever the sector of your store, keep in mind the following keys to implement them in 2022:
1. Social Commerce
You have probably already heard about this sales modality, and it is a trend that will continue to grow this year. Social commerce consists of incorporating a point of sale into your store's social network profiles. In this way, the user does not have to leave the application they are using to buy your products.
It could be said that social media will become a marketplace where your brand's followers expect to be interested in what your post publishes, know its price and even buy it without leaving your profile.
Facebook and Instagram have already been fully integrated as an eCommerce, allowing brands to tag products, display them as if it were a catalog and make a purchase. Other networks such as Twitter or Pinterest also offer many options to associate products with links that redirect users to eCommerce websites to finalize the purchase.
2. Chatbots and voice assistants
The use of these tools has grown a lot over the last year and is expected to continue to do so. Consumers demand attention and contact from companies and the use of voice assistants or chatbots can be a very effective way to achieve this.
They are no longer used only to make queries or resolve doubts during the purchasing process; making purchases using this system is a growing trend.
3. More visual content for your catalogs
With the overwhelming amount of information we receive, it is essential to take the attention of your customers. The trend is towards a more visual and even participatory style. Through the use of virtual reality, catalogs are increasingly competing to engage consumers by offering them a unique digital experience. The era of comparing products and prices based on simple product photos is over.
For your eCommerce to make the most of this trend, it is essential that you adapt the resources to your product, generate useful and quality content both in terms of copy and design, and appeal to experiences and sensations to connect with your audience.
4. Offer a competent shipping service
Optimizing your store's shipping logistics will be key this year. The immediacy demanded by consumers is insatiable and premium services such as those offered by Amazon or large retailers only feed this need for immediate satisfaction.
One of the first steps we recommend to streamline your logistics processes is to implement SKU codes to your product catalog.
5. Automate stock control in real time
This trend is closely linked to the previous point, and automating your logistics processes will allow your company to have an exhaustive and real-time control of your stock. In the era of immediacy, adapting your strategies to what is happening in the market is key to optimizing your eCommerce sales.
Up to 15% of sales losses in online stores are due to lack of stock. Therefore, having tools that allow you to make decisions based on real-time data about your store and those of your competitors can prevent many losses to your business.
Softwares like Planet make it possible to easily keep a detailed control over your stock, the movements of your competitors' stores and the metrics that make your business grow. If you are looking for an easy and intuitive tool, don't hesitate to book a demo to see all the benefits we offer for your eCommerce.
As you have seen, following these 5 trends can make your store make a difference in 2022. Don't wait any longer to implement them and make the most of your strategy, don't let them get ahead of you!